THE PARENT: 'Petite Dragon' below
Several years ago, I received the parent plant shown above labeled 'Red Dragon'. This particular plant has consistently stayed a small plant and has produced small traps. Consequently, I name this plant 'Petite Dragon' because the only similarity to the official description of the registered cultivar 'Red Dragon' is the all-red color; see:
I have about 100 divisions (clones) of this plant and every plant produces a scape that splits into a double. This is the only VFT clone that I have that does this consistently. The plant produces fertile seed when selfed and all of the seedlings are red like the parent and the offspring retain this double scape. The photo above is of the parent 'Petite Dragon' and was taken on 14 September 03.
The plant produces fertile seed when selfed ('Petite Dragon' x 'Petite Dragon') and all of the seedlings from this 2001 self-pollinated breeding are red like the parent and retain this double scape. Note the red stigma on the flower of the selfed offspring, which is a typical characteristic of 'Red Dragon' and other all-red Dionaea. The plant and flower photos was taken on 12 and 16 June 05