Unidentified Sarracenia
In process of being identified
H-1 (above)
S. purpurea x flava x ?
Flower yellow with pink veins; piney smell; flowered on 16 March 03
The top 3 rows of photos above were taken on 14 September 03.
The mature pitchers are quite large, being over 5 inches wide and with a mouth about 3 inches wide. The bottom photos were taken on 8 August 04 and 1 April 05.
H-1A (above)
S. purpurea x flava x ?
Plant similar to H-1 except that the flower is dark pink with red veins; piney smell; flowered on 1 April 05
H-2 (above)
Flower red with red-green sepals; slightly sweet smell; flowered on 7 April 03
Pitcher has light areoles in spring and become dark red to maroon in mid-summer.
The top row of photos above was taken on 14 September 03 and those below on 8 August 04. The flower photos were taken on 22 April 05.
An additional photo can be found on Aaron Carlson's page at
And, Cedric's photo at
H-3A (above)
S. alata type
Flower pale yellow rounded petals with yellow-green sepals; very slightly sweet smell.
The photo above of the leaves was taken on 14 September 03 and the photos of the flowers were taken 23 March 04.
H-3 (above)
Flower pale yellow strap-like petals with yellow-green sepals; very slightly sweet smell.
The photo above the flowers were taken on 20 March 04.
Additional photos can be found on Andrew Beauchamp's Web site at
H-3B (above)
The photos above are of H-3B. The flower is similar to H3 in that the petals are strap-like, but are a more intense yellow and have a more intense sweet smell. It is unlike the rounded petals of H-3A. The photos were taken on 29 March 04.
H-4 (above)
S. flava
Flower yellow
These photos above were taken on 14 September 03; the flower on 1 April 05.
H-5 (above)
Flower red with red sepals; no smell; 31 March 03
Pitcher with small lid
The plant photo above was taken on 14 September 03; the flower photos on 24 April 04 and 22 April 05.
H-6 (above)
Flower yellow-greenish; sweet smell; 13 March 03
Flower before and shorter than pitchers
The top photo above was taken on 14 September 03; the remainder on 8 August 04.
The link below is for a photo of this plant grown by someone else.
H-7 (above)
Flower yellow with green-yellow sepals; piney smell; 30 March 03
Curved phyllodia; pitchers die early September
These photos above were taken on 14 September 03.

H-8 (above)
S. leucophylla
Flower and sepals small burgundy; 4/16/03
The photos above were taken on 14 September 03 and 22 April 05.
An additional photo can be found on Aaron Carlson's page at
H-9 (above)
Plant similar to H-1, but with a smaller pitcher and occasional curved phyllodia. Flower similar to H-1, but with very long strap-like yellow petals with a pink blush and pink veins on outside and yellow on inside. Sepals are green.
Photo above was taken on 29 March 04.
For another photo, see drivebytrucker's photo at

H-10 (above)
S. purpurea x ?
Pitchers are S. purpurea-like but taller than purpurea. The plant is similar to H-5, but the pitchers are shorter. Flower petals red inside and out with red sepals; no smell
These photos above were taken on 29 March 04.
H-11 (above)
Plant possibly the same as H-10. It seems to have a slightly taller pitcher. The flower is similar to H-10, but is larger and a lighter red color.
Photos above were taken on 29 March 04, 22 April 05, and 16 June 05.
H-12 (above)
S. oreophila? Petals yellow; sepals yellow; curved winter phyllodia.
First two photo above were taken on 10 April 04; the second two on 24 April 04 and the bottom flower photos on 22 April 05.
H-13 (above)
Petals pink on outside and cream color on inside; sepals red and green; straight winter phyllodia.
Photo above was taken on 10 April 04.
H-14 (above)
S. rubra type. Petals dark red, but lighter than H-15; sepals bright red.
Photos above were taken on 24 April 04 and 22 April 05.

H-15 (above)
S. rubra type. Petals dark red (almost black), but darker than H-14; sepals bright red.
Photo above was taken on 24 April 04, 16 April 05, and 17 April 05.
H-16 (above)
S. rubra type. Small flower; petals pink outside, cream color inside; sepals pink and green; very sweet rose-like smell.
The top two flower photo above was taken on 28 April 04; the bottom three flower photos on 22 May 05.